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Released on 2024-12-08
Platform: GNU/Linux only (deb, Source, Ready-to-use package). Source code available for compiling on other platforms.
Fixes for some portability issues (Snap and BSD).
sudo snap install vara
Released on 2024-12-04
Platform: GNU/Linux only (deb, Source, Ready-to-use package). Source code available for compiling on other platforms.
Experimental support for opening XCF files written by GIMP.
Released on 2024-11-13
Platform: GNU/Linux only (deb, Source, Ready-to-use package). Source code available for compiling on other platforms.
First release with File menu entry to open XCF files.
Released on 2024-11-10
Platform: GNU/Linux only (deb, Source, Ready-to-use package). Source code available for compiling on other platforms.
First release with XCF reading capability (not via GUI).
Released on 2024-08-24
Platform: GNU/Linux only (deb, Source, Ready-to-use package). Source code available for compiling on other platforms.
First release with minimal and experimental support for saving as XCF.
Released on 2024-08-12
Platform: GNU/Linux only (deb, Source, Ready-to-use package). Source code available for compiling on other platforms.
Support for more layers and some UI improvements.
Released on 2024-08-07
Platform: GNU/Linux and Windows (deb, Source, Ready-to-use package). Source code available for compiling on other platforms.
First release to use Linear RGB colorspace and Gamma Correction.
Released on 2024-08-03
Platform: GNU/Linux only (Source, Ready-to-use package). Source code available for compiling on other platforms.
Internal improvements and fixes.
Released on 2024-07-18
Platform: GNU/Linux only (deb, Source, Ready-to-use package). Source code available for compiling on other platforms.
Fix for an export-related issue in sandboxed environments.
Released on 2024-07-17
Platform: GNU/Linux only (Source). Source code available for compiling on other platforms.
UI/UX improvements.
Released on 2024-07-12
Platform: GNU/Linux only (deb, Source, Ready-to-use package). Source code available for compiling on other platforms.
Scratchpad Mode for trying out tool options and fixes for some issues.
Released on 2024-07-07
Platform: GNU/Linux only (deb, Source). Source code available for compiling on other platforms.
Initial support for brush scattering and fix for erase mode affecting brush preview.
Released on 2024-06-22
Platform: GNU/Linux only (deb, Source). Source code available for compiling on other platforms.
Code cleanup and mnior UI improvements.
Released on 2024-06-15
Platform: GNU/Linux only (Source). Source code available for compiling on other platforms.
Fixes and minor improvements; no noticeable difference in end-user experience.
Released on 2024-06-09
Platform: GNU/Linux only (deb, Source). Source code available for compiling on other platforms.
Fix for a floodfill-related bug (freezes when applied on an empty canvas for the second time with the same color); no difference in end-user experience.
Released on 2024-06-08
Platform: GNU/Linux only (deb, Source). Source code available for compiling on other platforms.
Release with updated logo and metadata; no difference in end-user experience.
Released on 2024-06-02
Platform: GNU/Linux only (Source). Source code available for compiling on other platforms.
Using XDG Portal for better Flatpak sandboxing; no difference in end-user experience.
Released on 2023-06-19
Platform: GNU/Linux and Windows (deb, Source, Ready-to-use package). Source code available for compiling on other platforms.
PNG support, UI updates, fixes, .deb availability
Released on 2023-06-17
Platform: GNU/Linux and Windows (Ready-to-use package)
Keyboard shortcuts and support for Windows.
Released on 2023-06-14
Platform: GNU/Linux only (Ready-to-use package)
First public release, still in alpha.